Club Website

For official club information and news go to the website and Facebook page.

This blogspot is maintained for the the historic record from 2010 to 2014.

Who We Are

The Capitol Hill Garden Club brings together Washington area people interested in gardening, landscaping and the environment. Members enjoy lectures, demonstrations, workshops and tours.

We are a 501(c)(3) District of Columbia non-profit corporation. We undertake community projects and contribute to garden and beautification projects in our neighborhood. In past years the club donated thousands of spring flowering bulbs to groups and individuals for planting in public areas on Capitol Hill. Our income comes from membership dues and donations.

We are a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., National Capital Area Garden Clubs, Inc. and its District I, and the Central Atlantic Region of State Garden Clubs, Inc.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Une Noche en La Habana

June 5, 2010: The annual June garden party was hot, humid and fabulous! The theme was Havana nightclubs before the revolution.

Edee arrives:

Vira and Bill:

David, Doris and Janice:

The buffets:

Many thought the food year was better than usual:

Joe and Tony "Cuban Pete" Pontorno:

Vira thanks Johann:
Joyce and Floyd:

The potluck recipes follow and will be updated as received: